Laughter Percussion Academy, led by acclaimed musician and laughter therapist Ras Banamungu, offers a unique program blending music, therapy, and creative expression. The academy aims to bring joy and healing to participants of all ages and abilities through the transformative power of Laughter Percussion.
Laughter Percussion Academy, under the visionary leadership of Ras Banamungu, combines music and laughter therapy to create a safe and uplifting space for participants. The program, NDIS approved and meeting national quality standards, focuses on fostering positive, safe, and meaningful experiences for all attendees.
Our strategic approach involved creating an intuitive LMS-based website for class management, designing a logo that encapsulates the spirit of Laughter Percussion, and implementing targeted PPC and SMO campaigns to expand the reach and impact of the non-profit business.
While implementing our strategies, we navigated the challenge of maximizing online visibility for a non-profit program in a competitive digital landscape.
We addressed these challenges by developing a user-friendly website, crafting a compelling logo, and executing targeted PPC campaigns. Additionally, our dedicated SMO efforts enhanced Laughter Percussion Academy’s online presence.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Decode Designs for their outstanding work with Laughter Percussion Academy. The team’s dedication and expertise have truly transformed our online presence and enhanced the accessibility of our unique program. The LMS-based website is a game-changer, providing a seamless platform for classes and instructor collaboration.
Ras Banamunga